Waikato Expressway - Huntly Bypass

17 December 2021
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Waikato Expressway,  Huntly Bypass.

Cultural Symbolism.

Bridging the gap between culture and community, Waikato expressway see's Concrete Pou and Waka erected on historic sites throughout the new State Highway-1 Huntly bypass route. 

Leveraging Red and Black concrete representative of Historic carvings, Precast Pou designs we created by Master Maori Carver Warren McGrath to represent the multiple Maori tribes of the region coming together in harmony at a Key Historical location of interest.

Concrete Waka Standing tall on end were also manufactured through the use of complex 3D steel mould forms. Concrete surfaces were Hand diamond honed revealling the beautiful red aggregate and colors within.


Modern preservation of cultural symbolism for the benefit of community generations to follow.

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The project started as a Minuture scall carving that evolved into Cad detailled Designs. Harnessing monarc's multitude of finishing abiities allowed bespoke textures patterns and detail to be crafted into each unique form. 

Moulding a #dimensions Waka in concrete was no easy feat. Mould design required dual skinned design with rotatable and interchangeable components, Waka form is fully integrated with radial reinforcing bars and casting constraints with little to no tolerances.

The entire Steel mould form was designed to be able to be rolled over 180 degrees allowing for Top down casting methods and deforming from the mould while needing underside over access for Diamond hand honing of the hulls outer surface. Quite the challenge! but executed with perfection. 



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